19 October 2007

Thoughts on Thailand By: Justin

Hello people. Justin here. Blogging about Thailand. Time for a quick overview:
Thailand is pretty nice
It is also pretty hot
There is a lot of trash
Sometimes it's kinda grimy
Food is really cheap
And the food is really good
There are a lot of monks
There are a lot of geckos in our house
You can buy monk food at the Thai Wal-Mart to feed the monks

Aleza is learning how to play guitar. If you're reading this Jon - I've asked her to join the band. Also, I like the last two songs. Send me some raw files to mess around with. I'll send you some stuff soon, too.
We're going to Chiang Mai tonight - way up north near China and Burma. There's a big 'ol mountain - around 9000 ft. I think we might go on a trek for a few days, or go camping. And we might take a Thai cooking class or a massage class. Lots of fun stuff to do in Chiang Mail. I hear tell they've even got an Irish Pub.
One of our coworkers folks are in town, so it's reminded me of things to tell other ppl visiting. Don't wear real shoes. You have to take your shoes off outside of most buildings - so no laces. Also, they put ice IN the beer. It's weird for awhile, but its actually really good. That kinda weirded Keysa's parents out. Also, get used to spicy food (Jess)! I was reading about spiciness - it has nothing to do with taste, it's purely a physical reaction in/on your cells. I think I'll equate it to exercising - the more you do it, the easier it is. Aleza is already caught up to me.


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jessi said...

hey guys! i just caught up on the blog - hadn't had a chance to read it for a week or so. things seem great. sounds like a lot of funny things (well maybe they're not funny just yet, but maybe they will be funnier when later remembering them) have happened to you guys...ants on the floor, broken sinks and fridges. lots of good memories. mom and dad told me you guys were going to break the old printer...i thought you should take it out back and bash it up with a baseball bat like in 'office space.' could be fun! i'm getting more and more excited to visit, although, i'm still wary about the spicy food, although i have graduated to "medium" spicyness with salsa. i'm taking steps in the right direction! my birthday is in 6 days...woo hoo! we're going to memphis on saturday to celebrate on biel street - should be a blast! anyway, keep having fun! miss you guys! -love, jess.